Monday, June 10, 2013

CHAPTER 9, Behavior 6: The Habit of Faith, Section 1 & 2

This morning I can relate to what Joyce talked about when she goes to write a book, she just looks at the screen, places her fingers on the keys, and ponders what she will say.....


Focus Scriptures:
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Hebrews 11: 1

 For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus [the leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness] and of the love which you [have and show] for all the saints (God’s consecrated ones).
Colossians 1: 4

Developing a Habit of Trusting God, having Faith that he will do what he says he will do. I think for most of us, this so difficult because of the Human Factor, fallible humans surround us they let us down and disappoint us all the time.  Compounded by the fact that we tend relay on the natural, what we see instead of focusing on the Super Natural. 
Our focus scripture, Hebrews 11:1 says we are to focus on; what is unseen and our Faith IS the ASSURANCE of what is unrevealed to us by our senses.


“God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (Romans 12: 3 NKJV).

God told us if we are believers then WE are given a measure of faith.
Have you been using yours?
Are working your faith? 
Are you being daring enough to reach out into the unseen and pull that THING into reality!?
YOUR (Thing)  is probably different than mine!

There are 3 Steps to working your faith, and the last one is the most important one!
1.   Praying & Believing
2.   Saying,(Write the Vision and make it Plain)
3.   ACTION!

I was just telling a friend of mine last night, that I have gotten a lot out of this study but the biggest thing I have learned is that I can have all the head knowledge, the giftedness of creatively putting words together. However, If I do not put anything I have learned into ACTION it will profit me NOTHING!

              Here is what the Lord placed in My Heart! OUCH!

How sad and disappointing it would be for you to read be Inspired and Take off and be changed by this Study and for those us Who are Leading it to remain the same!

How many of us are really taking everything we are reading, studying and taking it to Heart! I know if I am guilty of just completing a task, carrying out a commitment most likely I am not alone!

Really, allow the scriptures to take root not just in your (our) MINDS but also IN YOUR (OUR)Hearts TOO! That is where the fertile ground is our hearts!

We can do IT, We have been given what we need!

SOW YOUR SEED OF FAITH, Dare to Believe God, Trust him and take him at his word!
Develop Your FAITH MUSCLE!

EXTRA STUDY, READ HEBREWS, it is not called the FAITH BOOK for Nothing!

OH, Dearly Heavenly Father, may we not be just hearers only but DOERs of YOUR Word, Ignite our Hearts to Truly follow and be steadfast, unmovable and unwavering! To have Confidence in and Fully Trust you! You are calling us to change! Let us not be the Bride left because we are unprepared! Lord give us a Clean and Pure heart, Holy and Acceptable in your Sight. Lord forgive us for our complacency. Lord take the scales off our eyes and plugs out of our hears, Allow us to hear what thus says the Lord and give us the heart to follow through!
In Jesus Name~Amen! (SO BE IT)

Until Next Monday!~Leanne


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW - thank you for this awesome post. I pray that you are sharing this on your personal pages every day - these blogs are 'real-life' and when you share your heart like this, WOW - it really just tells it like it is....

    You hit the nail on the head. All the words in the world, regardless of how eloquently they are written or how much we believe them mean a thing until we put them into action, having faith and trusting God to have us and give us power to do these things. Lysa TerKeurst uses the word EMPOWER in Made to Crave - we are EMPOWERED by the heavenly spirit - we have no excuses but ourselves.....Word without Action is null and void. Let's make ours count! Thank you for this Leanne!

  2. OUCH! YEP head knowledge does us no good if our actions do not do anything with it.

  3. Thank you for this really honest post! Of all the muscles we develop, the faith muscle is the most important. Made me think about James 2:17 - In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
