Friday, June 21, 2013

Chapter 10 - Behavior 7 - The Habit of Excellence - Treat People With Excellence

Treat People With Excellence

God sure does have a sense of humor!  This section was directed squarely at me.  Then I realized it was  assigned to me. lol  When Joyce talks about how she use to act, I can totally relate.  I was a legalistic know-it-all.  I thought myself above others.  I was always right.  It had better be all about me, it was my way or the highway.  Mercy and grace were not part of my vocabulary.  I was judgmental and critical of others.  My poor family bore the brunt of most of it.  The sad thing was I professed to be a Christian.  I always said I would let my life be my witness.  What a horrible witness!  My behavior must have made God very sad.  Unfortunately it took devastating event in my life before He got my attention.  I stood to loose everything important because I failed to treat others with excellence.

God's timing is spot on too.  This week I was listening to Joyce speak about love and how we should treat others.   Joyce said until we treat people the way God treats us, we don't know enough about love. I sure didn't know the first thing about love. I still struggle with this.  1 Corinthians 12:31 tells us love is the most excellent way to live.

When we walk in love, we learn to believe the best of every person in every situation.  That's a tall order!  But we can do it. We develop what we focus on so focus on love. We stop making it all about us and shift our focus to God's love for us and loving others.  This doesn't mean some people some of the times or those that are easy to love.  It means every one we come in contact with, whenever & wherever.  We treat everyone with respect and dignity, making them feel valuable and appreciated.  And it starts at home.  Too often the ones we love the most get treated the worst.  I know I was guilty of that for years. Let's start today, let's start with our loved ones and treat them with excellence.  What a legacy our lives will leave if we do.

Father, I come before you today knowing I have not treated others with excellence.   Help us begin today in our own homes and spread Your love outward from there.  Show us when we fail to treat other as You treat us.  I pray that Your love will fill our hearts and over to all those around us continually.  Lord, I know I struggle with this but with Your strength each of us can develop the habit of treating everyone with excellence and bring your honor and glory.  We love you Father and thank you for Your love for us.  In Jesus precious name, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post and your honesty!! I know in my house the ones I love most are often treated the worst. They get all my aggrivations and frustrations from my day. Being in God's word daily, listening to christisn music and even exercise has made dealing with stress easier.
