Friday, May 31, 2013

Chapter 7 - Behavior 4: Healthy Habits Recap

Chapter 7 - Behavior 4: Healthy Habits Recap

Healthy Habits

 But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive toand controlledand guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings anddesires of the flesh (of human nature without God) Galatians 5:16

"The more good habits you develop, the less bad habits you will have to fight" - JM

Leanne's blog brought questions to mind.  Do I really want to give up my bad habits?  Am I determined to change? Sometimes I think - maybe not so much.  I know change is necessary but it is difficult.  Am I just lazy or have I not turned it completely over to God?

Galatians 5:16 exhorts us to make a habit of walking by and living in the Spirit so we will not gratify our sinful cravings or carry out our selfish desires.  It is time for full commitment so we can be responsive to the control and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Your Body is God's House

You were bought with a price [purchased with a[a]preciousness and paid for,[b]made His own]. So then, honor God andbring glory to Him in your body.  1 Corinthians 6:20

Again, Melanie's blog raised questions. Am I gambling with my body or investing in it?  Since God paid such a high price for me, and if my body is His temple, shouldn't I strive to use it to honor Him? Does my body bring God glory?  How do I do that? What does that even look like?

The first step is spending time in His presence.  That is where we will learn how to honor and glorify Him.  That is how we will find our purpose, our special assignment - by spending time with Him, listening to Him, seeking His face.

Secondly, we need to carry out our purpose, our assignment.  We should do whatever it takes to live long enough to complete these tasks God has set before us.  We won't make it if we are fueling our bodies with junk or aren't doing the maintenance and repairs necessary for a long life.  We can retrain ourselves to enjoy healthy habits in all areas of our lives.

Seven Pillars of Good Health

So, how do we do it?

We all know these seven pillars, probably by heart.  Yet we still struggle with some of them.  For me, sleep and eating good quality food are the problems.  There are 2 statements that really stood out to me and I wanted to share them with you.

"It is very interesting...that God created us with the ability to shut off everything and sleep.  Our bodies go into a state of renewal and repair during our sleep..."

God made us to sleep! Do I think I know better than God what is best for my body?  Does my body function better when I deny it sleep? DUH!!!  If we get regular sleep & rest, we will enjoy the rest of our lives much more & I want that

"I need a healthy lifestyle not another diet"

Diets are not thought of as permanent changes most of the time.  Diets are something we do to lose weight, not be healthy, and usually require deprivation of some sort.  Not healthy!  We need to focus on being healthy instead of being skinny. (Ouch - guilty!)   The key is moderation, not denial,or deprivation.  We just need to make some decisions, get started and be determined so we can live a healthy, vibrant, energetic life.  Kara gave us some really good tips on how to begin.


Mary or Martha? Wish this was a harder call for me to make :(. I am definitely a Martha.  I have gotten better but sometimes a Martha like voice still plays in my head:/

How do we control stress?  How do we de-stress our lives? First we must realize that there are and always will be things we cannot change.  As Joyce states:  "Life probably won't change, so that means you will have to change how you approach and respond to life."  It is all about our reactions.  Again, Kelley's blog brought more questions to mind:  Do I want to be a laid back Mary or an uptight Martha? Am I making things more complicated than they need to be?  What causes me stress?  

Pay attention to what causes your stress levels to rise.  Develop healthy ways to react and respond.  Good choices will begin to repair any damage that has been done.  It is never to late to develop healthy habits.


The psalmist asks

"Why am I discouraged?"

It is easy for us to become frustrated and discouraged in our journey to make new habits.  But Jesus understands how we feel.  He shares our frustration, our pain.  When we faces challenges and trials, we need to remember that our God is bigger than any "giants" we will ever face.  Each challenge, each trial is an opportunity  to see what God is capable of and just how big He really is.  Do we focus on Him in trying times?  Do we ask for help and expect a miracle?  God wants us to make strides toward victory but He loves us too much to make it easy.  He wants us to walk in faith, trusting Him to lead the way.  Sometimes God keeps us in the struggle so we can get to a place where we can experience His presence.  He uses our battles to show us how we respond.  In the stress of battle do we trust Him even more or do we turn away and try to do it ourselves?  During stressful times our thoughts can be lured away into a pit of frustration and discouragement.  But, we can overcome the stress if we seek God's face and cry out to Him.  Yes, indeed, our God is BIGGER

Father God, we so want to honor and glorify you with our bodies. Help us develop the healthy habits necessary to live long, productive lives so we may fulfill the special purpose You have for each of us.  Show us how to focus and lean on you in times of stress.  We know you are better able to handle each situation that we ever possible could.  Thank you for being Bigger and wanting better for each of us.  In the precious name of Jesus I pray, so be it!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chapter 7- Behavior 4 - Healthy Habits - De-Stress

 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” 
Luke 10:41-42

STRESS!  We cannot seem to get away from it!  How many are Mary's and how many are Martha's?
I am a Martha for certain, wish I could tell you otherwise.   Stress is in every bible study we do, there are more books on stress than we could possibly read.  WE KNOW about stress, but what we don't know is how to get it under control so it is not affecting our health!  It seems to be out of our control, or is it?

Joyce tells us that stress is the disease of the 21st century AND behind a large percentage of our illnesses. (OUCH!)  People can actually become addicted to it thanks to cortisol. In Stressed-Less Living by Tracie Miles, Tracie calls it being an Adrenaline Junkie!  - these junkies keep going and going and going and they hate it but become so accustomed to it that they actually crave it.  (THIS is hard to believe, but I get it).  

Let's look at a definition of Cortisol:

Cortisol:  is a hormone created in our by by excessive stress. THIS is what causes the addiction

In  this chapter, Joyce gives us a lesson re: Cortisol sends your heart into overdrive, pounding at 4 times it's natural rate, it does the same for your lungs.  It constricts your blood vessels and raised your blood pressure to dangerous levels.  It drives up your mouth and shuts down your stomach and intestines. It drains the blood from your face and your skin.  It scrambles your immune system and wrecks your sleep, it slows healthy and increases risk of other diseases.

Not sure about you, but I sure don't need  or want to be producing an overabundance of Cortisol! 

From sun up every morning until I finally go to bed at night I don't stop.  I literally have something going on every minute of every day and rarely have any time to just stop and smell the roses!  Work full time, grandchildren here after school, laundry to be done, supper to be cooked, cleaning to be done - now the pool has to be cleaned and ready for a graduation party on Wed - grass seed planted - it's from one thing immediately on to another without any time for phone calls, coffee chats with friends,  or just turning things off. In fact, I can't think of a single thing I could change right now - or maybe I just don't want to change anything being the Martha  that I am.

The issue is that only WE can change this way of life!  We have to stop being Martha's and start being Mary's.   A quote Joyce gives us goes like this:

To complain and do nothing to make one's situation better is a total waste of time and very foolish. (OUCH again!).    We must "De-Stress"
1 - Turn to God for anxiety, fear, lack of confidence and any other major stressors you may have.

2 - Determine what your stressors are and work to eliminate them in your life.

3- START NOW  - no excuses!  

It is time to start repairing any damage we have caused our body AND  make the lifestyle changes we all deserve. 


This Martha has a hard time with that statement! 


What is something that YOU can change today and make a huge impact on your body and your health?

Dear God, thank you for this group and for the reminders centered around stress and how it enters and takes over our bodies.  Be with each Jesus Girl here today and allow them to open their hearts and their minds to be able to make some changes and lessen the stress in their lives.  We love you Father and are so blessed.  Amen.

In God's Light
<3 Kelley

Chapter 7 -- Behavior 4 - Seven Pillars for Good Health

So many of us probably read this section and thought yes I know these but how do I actually implement this. My challenge to you this week is to pick one of these seven pillars of health each day and try to step up to the challenge I present. See if you can go a whole day and complete the requirement. Here are the seven pillars and what would constitute success each day.

1. Drink Lots of Water
As someone who struggles with migraines I know I need to drink lots of water. As you drink water you will come to crave it. I used to think that that statement was crazy, but now all I drink is water besides my one cup of coffee each morning. Still having trouble with the taste of water? Add lemon or lime or mint leaves. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is 3 liters (13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (9 cups) of total beverages a day. The day one challenge is to drink 9 cups of water if you are a female. One strategy is that if you have a desk job you should get up and move every 20-30 minutes. When you take this break drink a half glass of water. In your eight hour shift you'll get eight glasses of water. I usually take mommy breaks every hour for five minutes and drink a glass of water and this helps me to keep my intake correct.

2. Get plenty of sleep and rest
Confession time. This is the hardest for me. I have so much on my plate and have so many people that want something for me that I don't always sleep like I should and then find myself grumpy, easily agitated and angry the next day. With three little girls under three there is hardly a night without an interruption. I have forced myself to be in bed no later than 10:30 so that I get seven hours and wake up between 5:30 and 6. So for day two your challenge is to sleep the recommended 7-9 hours a night. It may be difficult the first day to readjust your sleep schedule. I had to push my bed time back by 15 minute increments until I got to the proper time. I also had to get active more during the day so I'd stay asleep for the recommended time.

3. Eat quality food
I think this one needs no explanation. We all know that we cannot survive on sugar alone. We also know how many chemicals are in many food now a days. Today's challenge is to limit salt to 1,500 to 2,300 mg per day. The American Heart Association set a limit of suggested sugar intake of 30 grams per day max, which is equivalent to only 120 calories per day. So make this another goal for today. Try and eat only natural foods. Track you intake using programs like "My Fitness Pal" or "Lose It".

4. Exercise
Try to get in a twenty or thirty minute workout for day four of my challenge depending on your ability level. If your looking for some great free workouts try also you can try walking for thirty minutes. Take it at a comfortable pace. Only you know your current ability level. Please make sure you consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

5. Supplements
Most of us know by tracking what we are eating what we are missing from our diet. Some may know from their doctors what they are missing. Others have visited a dietician because of some symptom they want to fix. Others have nutritionalists and trainers they are working with to lose weight. Now matter what category you fit into or maybe you fit into none of the above a supplement may be what is needed.  Here are the recommendations for vitamins and supplements by age according to Dr. oz. Today's challenge is to evaluate your current eating and see if you may need to take a vitamin or supplement. Before starting any vitamin or supplement talk to your doctor about any medication you are currently taking and interactions.

6. Detox
Find a way to detox today. If you want to exercise sweat out some of the toxins. If you have access to a sauna spend sometime in it. Also the healthier you eat the less toxins you ingest. In today's world we also get many toxins from the air we breath. Try decreasing your carbon foot print. Maybe walk or bike somewhere instead of driving you car.

7. Coping with stress
I know many are completing the Stressed Less Living study with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study with Melissa Taylor. There has been lots of ways to decrease stress as we've been reading this book. Here are just a few:
1. Pray to God
2. Meditate on God's word
3. Learn to say no
4. Manage your time better
5. Adjust your attitude
6. Adjust your standards
7. Exercise
8. Eat a healthy diet
9. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
10. Get enough sleep
Choose a stress reducing technique and try it today.

In the comment section let me know if you are up to taking this seven day challenge with me. Then check back next week to let us know how you did. I'm praying for each one of you.

Dear God,
Thank you for each of these ladies in this group. Thank you for those who are willing to take this seven day challenge with me. I want my temple to be as you created it. I want my temple to be used for your will. I want to be then best I can be for you. I want to be q light in this world Father. Please help me to do that. Please help each lady to find more time with you. Please help them to crave you more than their addictive agent, whether that is food, soda, chocolate, or any thing else. Thank you for brining us all to this group. In Jesus name. Amen.

Until next week -- Kara

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chapter 7; Behavior 4: Healthy Habits - Your Body Is God's House

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I love how God works.   In chapter 1 Joyce says "Habits are things we learn to do through repetition and eventually do either unconsciously or with very little effort.  First we form habits then they for ms.  We are what we repeatedly do."   During the past few weeks, this scripture and reminders of how I should honor God with my body have been repeatedly brought to my attention through this study, other studies I am doing, posts on facebook and now my pastor has started a new sermon series on God & your Body.   God is good.  He is also very patient for which I am very grateful.

One thing my pastor brought up in his sermon was that you cannot have a right relationship with God and a bad relationship with those around you.   Joyce tells us on page 70 of 192, "If you need to develop healthy habits, put them at the top of your list of habits to develop, possibly right after developing the habit of spending time with God."  Why?? "Because your health affects you and all the people you are in a relationship with in a variety of ways."  God has a plan for us and a special assignment for each of us that only we can fulfill.  You will never find your purpose apart from God.  God created you for a purpose and we must live long enough to do whatever it is He has called us to do.

Pastor Steve reminded us that EVERYTHING on earth was created by God, for God and to honor God.  He asked us to focus on the following question:

"How would your life be different if everything you do was based on the fact you were created by God, for God and to honor God?"

When you buy a car, you know you have to put gas in it for it to go.  You also know that you have to perform maintenance on it for it to continue to go - oil changes, new tires, filter changes, a new battery, etc.   When a warning light comes on, you stop and try to figure out what that light means & what your car needs.   Our bodies are the same way - we need fuel, we need continued maintenance and we have to listen to the warnings.    Have you started making small changes in developing healthy habits?  What are you doing?     I was created by God (so I must be important to Him), I was created for God (so I need to be able to do the things He calls me to do) and I was created to Honor God (so the things I do, say, eat, drink, etc or in other words, everything I am needs to bring honor to Him)!!

Ladies, I believe we are on the right track.  By doing this study, coming up with small changes that will lead to big results, holding each other accountable, etc, we will develop the healthy habits - mind, body & spirit that will allow us to do the work God has called us for as well as honor Him with a healthy temple.   I thank God for bringing us together and for women like Joyce who write these words to encourage & teach us.  I am honored to be able to study the bible with each of you as we learn to use it as our daily instruction manual.  

Father God, thank you for loving us so.  I thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and to rise 3 days later so that we may have eternal life with you.   Father, I pray for each lady here. Help us to remember that everything was created by You, for You and to honor You.  Help us to make choices that will get & keep our temple healthy.  You have called us each for an important task and I pray that we are focused on being fit for the challenge.   I love you and it's in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Ladies, please share below what you have learned while reading this book, small steps you are making to honor God with your temple or maybe just a healthy recipe, meal or snack you have discovered on this journey.

Until next week!

Love ya'll,

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chapter 7, Behavior 4: Healthy Habits

Behavior 4, Healthy Habits

“The more good habits you develop, the less you will have to fight with bad ones. I am a strong believer in concentrating on good things rather than bad ones. Healthy habits actually solve a lot of other bad habits. For example, if I feel healthy and energetic I am more likely to be easy to get along with, and I don’t have to deal with the bad habit of being grouchy. When I feel good, I am happier, friendlier, and I display more patience.”~Joyce Meyer


How many of you still feel like you are fighting a battle to think about moving towards the “Good Habits”, and therefore moving away from the “Bad.” I am really trying to stay focused on “Thinking about “Healthy Habits,” it is truly such a battle! I find myself feeling that the Healthy Stuff is not the Fun things and Healthy Foods are the ones that are fun to eat. I have BEEN thinking a lot about the “Golden Pizza” article that I read in our F.B. Page the other day! I am determined not to bow down and serve food. I am telling myself Food in and of itself is okay, it is when I attach emotional fulfillment towards it that it becomes wrong! Just like a shopaholic, sex addict.
Let us continue to be intentional about actions and move towards Healthy Habits! Joyce says if we cultivate and develop Healthy Habits , they will solve the effects of the bad ones.

Which Habit are you finding yourself still struggling with letting go of?!

Why? ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________

 My Pastor says, “These are the ones we have not completely turned over to God”!

Are you a control freak? Are you not Trusting God with your stuff?

 I admit I am guilty of this one. Do I(WE) not think He cannot meet me and help me(US) to feel better emotionally than a slice of pizza or cheesecake or other forms of sweets?

Sweets!, This is my main unhealthy eating habit, I can hear it calling me, Literally! My 5 year old is worth me fighting, I want to be around for her and the rest of my family!


I am encouraging myself and as the rest of you FIGHT for your THOUGHT LIFE, FIGHT for YOUR TEMPLE! FIGHT to FORM HEALTHY HABITS, if not for yourself for those who love you! & Most of all for the one who gave it all for you, Jesus!

But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God). Galatians 5: 16


Lord help us Jesus Girls to surrender our control of our lives over to you and trust you one hundred percent! To take our thoughts that go against God and cast them down! And walk victorious in our lives!

In Jesus Name!

Until Next Week,


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Praises and Prayers for our Service Men and Women ~ Memorial Day

Remembering Those Serving Our Country
Photo by: Cindy Boykin Faulkenberry

Tomorrow is Memorial Day and I want us to take the time to pray for our country's service men and women and to remember those who have lost lives fighting for our country.  The Brave, The Strong, The Willing.   Amazing children of God willing to sacrifice all for our country.  I vaguely remember Vietnam, but remember the MIA bracelets people wore for soldiers missing in action.  However, the past several years are forever engraved in our hearts as we have watched so many be deployed to the desert ~ so many lose lives ~ and so many come home injured.  Lives forever changed while representing the United States of America.   Although we are all fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), a solder is made special for his job.  So special, not everyone can be a soldier.

God blessed these men and women with traits that the average person can only imagine.  He built them strong, and brave, and courageous and filled their lungs with the breath of power and might.  Psalm 18:32-26 says it best:

It is God who arms me with strength
    and keeps my way secure.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
    he causes me to stand on the heights.
34 He trains my hands for battle;
    my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
35 You make your saving help my shield,
    and your right hand sustains me;
    your help has made me great.
36 and You provide a broad path for my feet,
    so that my ankles do not give way.  

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"   Isaiah 6:8

A soldier cannot fight alone ~ there is a brotherhood we can only imagine and never truly understand. No man left behind. Yet how many of these men come home after losing a brother in battle? How many live with incredible pain day after day because they could not save their brother, and lived when somehow they just didn't feel worthy?

the bible says in John 15:13:

The fallen solders died doing what they were built to do; what they trained to do ~  what they LOVED to do.  It is my prayer that those that lived understand that their work is not done yet. Although God has called some men home early, the others are being used ~ and have a purpose; a job not yet done ~ it may not be on the battlefield, but work remains. 

Some solders sustain massive injuries ~ many lose limbs, eyes, suffer with traumatic brain injuries and have scars that they will live with for the rest of their lives.  Battle wounds that cause PTSD and in so many today, suicide. Since 2009, more American troops have died from suicide than combat.
An active duty soldier commits suicide every 36 hours. That rate jumps for veterans – one act of suicide every 80 minutes, according to the CDC.!/content/26723/mental_health_vets_suicide

Pray today for these men.  Although their bodies may not be 100% and they have life long injuries - our God is bigger than any injury.  We serve a mighty God and he created these amazing heroes that serve our country daily, but His work is not yet done.  He has plans for each and every one.  (Jeremiah 29:11).  May our soldiers reach out to the one who provides mercy and grace, who provides strength, who provides freedom from the bondage these men have in their hearts and minds - with Him they can do anything.  They can overcome.  Our God is a God of restoration.  Of healing.  Although it is hard to understand - hard to trust or have faith in this God who allows destruction - war.   May our men and women surrender to Him.  Remember, He is who created them to be the soldiers they are today.  I pray that they will allow Him to transform their hearts and renew their minds and discern His will for their lives.  May they reach out to Him and ask "What can I do Lord? Here I am, Send Me".  May they be the hands and feet of Jesus and use their testimonies, their stories to help their struggling brothers and sisters.

When you see someone in uniform, remember how special they were made.  Remember how God perfected them for the work they were molded to do.  Reach out to them, love them, encourage them, and build them up.  Remind them that they were oh so fearfully and wonderfully made!  Some of us will never understand the paths these soldiers choose to walk ~  it is so amazing that they choose to sacrifice all they do to represent our country, to protect our country, and to work to maintain a freedom that many other countries will never have. 

May we keep these men and women in our prayers every day!

Dear God,
Today we thank you for each and every person that serves or has served for our country.  Father we lift each one up to you now and ask that you cover them with your presence providing them with whatever their needs may be.  Father, for those that are struggling, we pray for a breakthrough - for healing, restoration, recovery, strength, comfort, peace - for a transformed heart and mind.  May they fight for freedom from whatever their bondage may be and may they begin to work with others, being your hands and feet.  Although they may not be serving their country today, they can serve you and help others fighting many of the same demons our military continues to fight every day.  Be with those that continue to serve today and those that have signed to serve the future - I pray  a hedge around each one and pray that their hearts may be open to you for every need they have.  With you, they can do anything.  Provide a peace that surpasses any understanding.  We ask these things in your precious and Holy Name.  Amen.

Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Thank you to each and every person serving in our military and for those that served. Thank you DOES seem so inadequate, but from the bottom of our hearts - we thank you. We love you. We pray God blesses you with whatever your need may beLet HIM be your guiding light, through Him we can do anything.

In God's Holy Light,
<3 Kelley and all the Jesus Girls from Tackling the Temple

Chapter 6 - Behavior 3 - The Habit of Being Decisive - Weekly Recap

The Habit of Being Decisive

Do you have the courage to make the decision?

What an awesome week of blogging!  Thank you to our awesome bloggers for doing such a great job this week and every week!

Leanne started our week off with this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, how many times did you ladies read this?  I read it several times - 'and the worst thing you can do is nothing' -WOW!

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.~ Theodore Roosevelt

 Leanne also shared many bible verses!  Make sure you have taken the time to review those, print them off and study them!  Awesome bible study day 1.  I loved the following scripture!  We should always reach out to God before making any decision big or small.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5    

In our chapter this week Joyce shared the 5 step decision making process:

1. Identify/Clarify the decision to be made.
2. Identifying possible decision options.
3. Gather and Process all information.
4. After 1 - 3,  Make/Implement the Decision
5. Evaluate the decision.  Was it the right decision?

Day 2  'The Misery of Indecision'.

Take the first step in faith, you do not have to see the whole staircase.   Martin Luther King, Jr.

Melanie tells us that indecision is often related to lack of self confidence and/or a tendency to worry about potential problems.  Joyce shares this:  “Whatever you do, don’t live your life frozen in fear, always being confused because you don’t know what to do"  WOW, in this situation, we must go back to James 1:5 - asking God to help us as we contemplate a decision.  

Joyce reminds us that its impossible to learn how to make good decisions without the experience of making them.  We learn by experience.  

“Make a courageous decision to be decisive.  The more practice you get, the better you will get at doing it.” 

Melanie shares an article from that provided 7 additional ways to deal with making decisions.  I hope you will print these off and review them!  Very good information!

Day 3  How to Make a Decision

 Kara shared her heart with us on day 3; first taking us through making decisions around her weight and what she wanted to do regarding that.  Step by Step she took us through the process Joyce laid out for us - ultimately leading us to the right decision. 

In addition Kara shared with us a very difficult decision involving a relationship with her mother.  She stated 'After consulting God,  I saw how much in bondage I was to her. I was both a co-dependent to her and a people pleaser to all around me because I didn't know how to make a decision'     - AFTER CONSULTING GOD.......once again Kara shows us that we must consult God that He will help us and give us the wisdom and guidance we need to make decisions.

Day 4 Starting Small

For Days 1-3 we learned the process for making decisions, we learned how to use that process and then day 4 Sherry showed us how we can make any decision by 'starting small' - we have to be able to make decisions to get the experience to make them  (day 2) so thankfully, there is no reason why we can't start small!  We can start by making one small choice at a time.  Sherry shared with us how we can start small with exercise - making the decision to walk to our mailbox, walk a block, 10 jumping jacks - small decisions, small steps in a HEALTHY direction for healthy habits!

Melanie has shared with us recently how she made the decision to replace soda with water and how her family has made the decision to have "Meatless Mondays" - small decisions, small steps that are going to lead to GREAT habits!

It's been an amazing week of blogs!  Monday's was full of The Word - don't forget to pull out your bible and spend time studying the scripture that is provided for us~direct from Joyce or from our awesome bloggers!


Dear God, Thank you for providing us with wisdom and direction in all things, specifically Father when it comes time to make decisions; for giving us the insight to discern what is YOUR will versus what is OUR will so that the appropriate decisions can be madeThank you for loving us and being our refuge and our rock and for making the decision to die on the cross for each of us ~ for the promise of eternal life.  We love you. In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen

In God's Amazing Light,
<3  Kelley

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chapter 6 Starting Small

Leanne started us out telling us that we need to be in the habit of being decisive which can help us to overcome that bad habit of procrastination. She even gave us the Five-Step Decision Making Process which should make it easier for us but sometimes we are still indecisive. Melanie went on to share with us the misery of being indecisive, yet Kara showed us how easy it was to lay choices out before us, and choose!

So here we are, the decisions are still hard to make. I have to be honest…I am a Libra, and I am truly a middle of the road, it doesn’t matter, whatever you want, kind of Girl. Yet when it comes to those hard, tough decisions, I will seek opinions of others, read about it, and then make a decisions….

So what if you still cannot make that decision. You are indecisive, or worse you will just wait hoping that perhaps the right choice will appear. When it comes to eating and exercising, sometimes we have to simply start small…one little small choice. I like how Joyce gives us an example of joining a committee for a month to decide if it’s something you want to do for a year. It’s the same with eating, and even exercising. I love to walk and I have even tried jogging a time or two. By trying out jogging a few times, I realized that even though I felt great afterwards (mentally), my knees did not appreciate my exercise of choice.

How can you start small? Walk a block, run to your mail box or do 10 jumping jacks. There are so many ways to start small to see if you like that exercise. You can do the same thing with food. You have to try some different things to see what works best for you.


Dear Father,

I want to thank you for being our father that is loving and forgiving. I pray that you give us the wisdom to make even the smallest of decisions and help us to learn to me more decisive. Abba I pray that you continue to open our hearts allowing us to seek you with each choice that we must make, no matter how small or insignificant. Father I also ask that you continue to give us the love and strength we need each day.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chapter 6: How to Make Decisions

So I was not always the best at making decisions. It is probably because I was never allowed to make a decision when I was little. My mom made every decision. She enrolled me in all the classes and activities. I remember when I was sixteen and had been taking dance lessons for twelve years going to her and telling her I hated it and was quitting. She still says I'm a failure for quitting dancing. I'm a big disappointment to her because of my hair color, how much I weigh or don't weigh, what I wear, etc. I'm also a big disappointment to her because of the way I'm raising my kids. But now I have the power to make the decisions. I also have to make a decision on my live in misery just to please her or to follow God's plan for me/us.

I love how Joyce broke down the decision process into steps. First we need to make a list of decisions. I'll stick with my weight loss journey here.
1. Exercise and eat healthy
2. Exercise and eat whatever I want
3. Eat healthy but don't exercise
4. Eat whatever I want and don't exercise.
Just by writing some of these I cringe as I don't want to face my closet each morning where hardly anything fits and know I need to make the right decision.

She then says to weigh the possible outcomes:
1. If I exercise and eat healthy I will loss weight. I will get the body I want. I will be able to fit back into my pre-pregnacy clothes. I will be able to chase my daughters around all day. I will probably live longer and be able to do more activities.

2. If I exercise but eat whatever I want I will probably stay where I am at. I may even gain weight. I think Melanie posted something on the Facebook page that said "Never eat something that has more calories than you are willing to exercise off." Look at what you are eating. Here are just a few foods with there calories to get you to start thinking:
Food: Calories
1. Apple, medium: 72
2. Bagel: 289
3. Banana, medium: 105
4. Beer (regular, 12 ounces): 153
5. Bread (one slice, wheat or white): 66
6. Butter (salted, 1 tablespoon): 102
7. Carrots (raw, 1 cup): 52
8. Cheddar cheese (1 slice): 113
9. Chicken breast (boneless, skinless, roasted, 3 ounces): 142

3. Eat healthy but don't exercise. This sometimes works for me as with three under three I can lose weight because of how active I am with them. I'll eventually hit a plateau though as I can go no further with just nutrition alone. I need exercise.

4. Even writing this made me think back just a year ago when this is exactly what I was doing. No exercise and eating whatever leads to a fat Kara. I was unhappy. I was stress eating. I was eating for comfort as I had no friends as we had moved. I was miserable all around. I had to go buy bigger shorts to go to the beach to play with my kids. It was such a downer to me.

I think it is clear by weighing the options we all see which the correct one is.

Lastly we need to acknowledge God. In Lysa TerKhurst's book Made to Crave she talks about how God made us to crave. He made us to crave him though and not food. This changed my outlook on my weight loss journey when I read this book at the beginning of the year and now here is Joyce telling me how important in is to consult God before making any decision.

So back to my mom. I made the decision that I had to step away from her. After consulting God I saw how much in bondage I was to her. I was both a co-dependent to her and a people pleaser to all around me because I didn't know how to make a decision. That was three years ago. God is working on both of us. I know I'm a better person today because I have God in my life and I'm doing his will and not anyone else's'.

Dear God,
Please help each of us continue to make the correct decision. I know that each one of us wants to do your will. I know each one of us would love to lose the weight as quickly as possible, but I know for some that losing the weight may be a process of bring them closer to you and may take longer because of the bondage they are in. Please help each of us to be closer to you and to consult you with each decision we make. I love you God. In Jesus name. Amen.

Have a great day -- Kara

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chapter 6; Day 2 - The Misery of Indecision



Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 
 Hebrews 11:1

The topic for today is The Misery of Indecision.   Indecision is often related to lack of self confidence and/or a tendency to worry about potential problems.   If our hope is in Jesus, we can have the confidence to walk in faith.   He will be with us along the way.  Joyce reminds us that it is impossible to learn how to make good decision without having the experience of making decisions.    We learn by our experiences.  

“Whatever you do, don’t live your life frozen in fear, always being confused because you don’t know what to do.”

If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.  James 1:5-8

We must approach God in faith and be ready to take action when we have assurance in our heart of some direction.   Sometimes God may simply give us the freedom to make our own choice.  Honestly, it might be not what we do but how we do things that is important.

“Indecision is often worse than wrong action.” – Henry Ford

I read an article at on how to deal with indecision.  They suggest the following which I will try to elaborate on:
1.     Have the right attitude.   We have talked about this before – avoiding procrastination, using positive statements, etc.   When faced with a decision, what is your attitude regarding the situation?

2.     Generate self –confidence.   Stop doubting your abilities.  Do not let worry hold you back – learn to ignore your misplaced anxieties.  satan convince you that you are unworthy.  

3.    Don’t worry about what other’s expect.  This is Your life!!  How many times have you faced a choice where your instinct was to go one way, but then you worried about what others would think of your decision? 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

4.    Speak with a friend.  Discuss your problem with a close friend.  Sometimes talking about an issue will help clarify the problem and help you get a better perspective.  However, do not ask a friend to choose for you.  The choice needs to be yours.

5.    You won’t regret being kind.  If you are having difficulty choosing, consider your motives.  Are your motives pure? 

6.    Set priorities.   Remember you can’t do everything nor should you try.   It is important to have a clear idea of your priorities.  

7.    Nothing ventured nothing gained.   Focus on the opportunities.   Focus on the potential of a situation instead of worrying about the potential problems. 

Indecision is a bad habit and can be eliminated by forming good habits.

“Make a courageous decision to be decisive.  The more practice you get, the better you will get at doing it.”’

Heavenly Father, making decisions is not always easy but knowing you are with us can give us confidence.   Help us to make decisions that honor you.  Speak to our heart Lord.   Father I pray for each lady doing this study that she will approach You with confidence with the decisions she faces this week.  Father I thank you for loving us and for giving us Your word to be our daily instruction manual.  May we focus on your truths and use it in our decision making.  In Jesus name, Amen.

What do you do when you can’t make a decision?  What have you found helps you overcome indecision?

Until next week!

With love,


Monday, May 20, 2013

CHAPTER 6: Behavior 3 - The Habit of Being Decisive

The Habit of Being Decisive

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.   
                                                    ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Good Morning Ladies, today we are facing the challenge of becoming a decision maker. This reminds me of a few weeks ago when Joyce challenged us to overcome the bad habit procrastination. The ability to make a decision is necessary, although many of us sometimes fall into the trap of not making a choice. Really, that is what a decision is, a choice we are facing. If we fail to make decisions nothing happens, we stay stuck. Sometimes that can have negative consequences. Joyce reminds us that if we choose to make God first and follow his rules then our choices will have better outcomes. However, what do we do about the situations that are left up to our decision, the Gray areas? Some Christians may fall into the trap of not making a choice because they do not want to displease God. She warns us to use the Wisdom God gave us and not fall into the trap of doing nothing. Other times we may worry about being a people pleaser, concerned that “They” make not like what we choose to do. Let us take the, Bull by the Horns and not worry about what others may think and go for what we want and what the Lord wants for us!

If you find yourself being the one that is slow to act not sure what you should do in a certain situation here are some suggested things to consider for before you act. I think these steps can apply when God’s word is not very clear about a topic.

The Five-Step Decision Making Process

You can adapt the familiar five-step decision making process (outlined below) to decide which program or service to assess.

Step 1 Identifying/clarifying the decision to be made. If the decision has not yet been isolated, it should be identified as a first step. Sometimes the decision to be made will have been presented to the decision maker. In those situations, Step 1 calls for the clarification of what the decision actually entails.

Step 2 Identifying possible decision options. The next step requires the decision maker to spell out, as clearly as possible, just what the decision alternatives really are. For instance, if one were attempting to buy a bicycle, do the decision options only consist of the different types of bicycles, or is another option to refrain from buying a bicycle altogether?

Step 3 Gathering/processing information. Next, the decision maker collects or processes information that can help guide the decision. If such information is already at hand, then it simply needs to be processed; that is, studied and understood by the decision maker. If there is no relevant information available, or if there is insufficient information, then such information must be collected so it can be processed. The more significant the decision, the more rigorous the information-gathering process.

Step 4 Making/implementing the decision. After the information has been considered according to its relevance and significance, a decision based on that information should be made and, thereafter, implemented.

Step 5 Evaluating the decision. In recognition of the fact that not all of one's decisions are likely to be defensible, the final step in the five-step decision making process is to determine whether the decision was appropriate. Ordinarily, this will be done by ascertaining the decision's consequences.

Taken from:

I think this scripture fits here:

Focus Scripture:

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Additional Scriptures regarding making Godly Decisions:

Bible Scriptures about Decision Making

Inspirational Scriptures about Decision Making

 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5

If you are walking closely with the Lord and truly desiring His will for your life – God will place His desires on your heart. The key is wanting God’s will, not your own. “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart”  Psalm 37:4

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips. Job 2:9-10

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  2 Timothy 3:16

And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Acts 14:23
Inspirational Scriptures about Decision Making

Taken From:


Dear Heavenly Father, Again we come asking you to help us to be ever mindful of our choices, to apply wisdom. To remember that although we are free to do what we want. However if we do not make Godly choices we will produce bad fruit. Help us to seek you out in the daily choices we make in whatever the area of life; so, that we may be victorious!
~ In Jesus Name, Amen!

(Until Next Monday!)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prayers and Praises Sunday

Prayers and Praises Sunday~~  Happy Sunday Sisters!!  Today's our prayers and praises day!!  This week as we think about our thoughts, words, and habits, I've been really aware of how thoughts and words can either build up or tear down. In James 3:3-7, "When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal.  Or take ships as an example.  Although they are large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.  Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.  All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human can tame the tongue.  It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.  Our thoughts and words are powerful, powerful weapons that we can either use for GOD'S glory or to destroy.

Dangerous thoughts and words that tell us we come first, dangerous thoughts and words tell us to get mad and hold a grudge, cause big fires.  Proverbs 15:28 warns us that, "the heart of the righteous weighs its answers but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil."  Condemning thoughts and words are not from GOD.  We need to renew our minds with the Word of GOD and not allow the enemy to separate us from the love of GOD and life HE meant for us.

As we submit our praises and prayers today, let us know how we can pray with and for you, and also what amazing things GOD is doing in your lives.
Be Blessed this LORD'S DAY!

First Published June 25, 2011

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chapter 5 Thoughts, Words and Habits

"Where the mind goes, the man follows" - Joyce Meyer

Joyce says what we think and speak is one of our most important habits because it determines the other habits in our lives.  Negative self talk sends good intentions to the grave.  We must capture those words and thoughts or we will find ourselves stuck in the same self destructive rut.  We can literally speak ourselves into victory or defeat.  We must practice, practice, practice.  Just having the knowledge isn't enough.  Wanting to changes isn't enough.  We must implement the knowledge and take action. Satan would love nothing more than keeping us mired in his lies instead of living in obedience to Christ.  We must learn to say what we truly want, not what we have or how we feel.

I Can't Help It

Thoughts can come in uninvited, but we choose whether or not they stay.  God is good and His Word speaks the truth to us.  When negative words enter our thoughts, we need to address them by speaking positive words.  Verbal affirmation helps stop our self destructive behavior.  let's take responsibility for our thoughts and words.  They are the raw material for our actions.  Start saying it differently, say it as the Word says it, as God says it.  Choose carefully.

God's Good Plan/One Good Habit

God will meet us right where we are.  His plan trumps any other plan we could possibly come up with for our lives.  Our lives can become a painful journey if we are trying to be god over our lives instead of following His plan.  Will it be easy?  Of course not! It will take time and action, a lot of hard work.  God's Word is full of promises and we need to focus on those promises and believe.  Read and believe. DAILY!

Our words and thoughts define us.  Are they filled with satan's lies or God's truth?  The words we say and think, the words we believe can lead to our greatest positive changes or into a pit of destruction.  The choice is ours.

Try It

What do we want to see happen in our lives? Envision it and then find scripture to back it up.  Confess those scriptures, those promises aloud daily.  Use them when satan tries to fill your mind with lies.  We need the constant reminder.  God knew we would need them to be successful.  We have to believe we can make healthy changes.  We need to turn our negative thoughts into empowering thoughts that will lead to lasting victory.

Reprogram the Computer/You Are Filled With Possibilities

Isaiah 55:8  My thoughts are not  your thoughts...declares the Lord

We need to reprogram our minds to focus on positive truths, God's truth, and not on negative thoughts or satan's lies.  Refining our strategies to be efficient and reprogramming our minds help us to be the best we can be.  Spending time with God and learning His truths is the only way our possibilities can become realities.  God wants us to enjoy ourselves and every moment of our lives.  That can happen if we develop life giving habits.


As we read His Word, our thoughts change.  This change in our thought pattern changes what we say about ourselves.  Our words begin to echo God's will.  God's truth can transform us.  We need to decide we have too much invested to turn back now.  Choose to believe His Word, regardless of how we feel or our circumstances.  Hold tightly to His promises and don't be deterred.  Aggressively choose to believe and confess God's truth.  Do not let anyone steal them from you.  It will be a life changing decision.

Rick Renner interprets Hebrews 10:23 like this:

"Let us come into agreement with God and begin to speak what He says, tightly wrapping our arms around the promise we are confessing - embracing it with all our might, holding tightly to it, rejecting all attempts of anyone who tries to steal it from us...determined to be inflexible and unmoving from that which we believe and confess"

Lord, Thank you for Your Word and the promises it holds.  Give us strength to unwaveringly believe and confess Your truth.  Help us put our foot down on the devil's lies.  Allow Your Holy Spirit to keep us focused on Your Word, Your promises so we can follow Your plan for our lives.  Do not allow satan to keep us from enjoying every moment of our lives.  In Your precious and holy name I pray, Amen