Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chapter 7 -- Behavior 4 - Seven Pillars for Good Health

So many of us probably read this section and thought yes I know these but how do I actually implement this. My challenge to you this week is to pick one of these seven pillars of health each day and try to step up to the challenge I present. See if you can go a whole day and complete the requirement. Here are the seven pillars and what would constitute success each day.

1. Drink Lots of Water
As someone who struggles with migraines I know I need to drink lots of water. As you drink water you will come to crave it. I used to think that that statement was crazy, but now all I drink is water besides my one cup of coffee each morning. Still having trouble with the taste of water? Add lemon or lime or mint leaves. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is 3 liters (13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (9 cups) of total beverages a day. The day one challenge is to drink 9 cups of water if you are a female. One strategy is that if you have a desk job you should get up and move every 20-30 minutes. When you take this break drink a half glass of water. In your eight hour shift you'll get eight glasses of water. I usually take mommy breaks every hour for five minutes and drink a glass of water and this helps me to keep my intake correct.

2. Get plenty of sleep and rest
Confession time. This is the hardest for me. I have so much on my plate and have so many people that want something for me that I don't always sleep like I should and then find myself grumpy, easily agitated and angry the next day. With three little girls under three there is hardly a night without an interruption. I have forced myself to be in bed no later than 10:30 so that I get seven hours and wake up between 5:30 and 6. So for day two your challenge is to sleep the recommended 7-9 hours a night. It may be difficult the first day to readjust your sleep schedule. I had to push my bed time back by 15 minute increments until I got to the proper time. I also had to get active more during the day so I'd stay asleep for the recommended time.

3. Eat quality food
I think this one needs no explanation. We all know that we cannot survive on sugar alone. We also know how many chemicals are in many food now a days. Today's challenge is to limit salt to 1,500 to 2,300 mg per day. The American Heart Association set a limit of suggested sugar intake of 30 grams per day max, which is equivalent to only 120 calories per day. So make this another goal for today. Try and eat only natural foods. Track you intake using programs like "My Fitness Pal" or "Lose It".

4. Exercise
Try to get in a twenty or thirty minute workout for day four of my challenge depending on your ability level. If your looking for some great free workouts try also you can try walking for thirty minutes. Take it at a comfortable pace. Only you know your current ability level. Please make sure you consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

5. Supplements
Most of us know by tracking what we are eating what we are missing from our diet. Some may know from their doctors what they are missing. Others have visited a dietician because of some symptom they want to fix. Others have nutritionalists and trainers they are working with to lose weight. Now matter what category you fit into or maybe you fit into none of the above a supplement may be what is needed.  Here are the recommendations for vitamins and supplements by age according to Dr. oz. Today's challenge is to evaluate your current eating and see if you may need to take a vitamin or supplement. Before starting any vitamin or supplement talk to your doctor about any medication you are currently taking and interactions.

6. Detox
Find a way to detox today. If you want to exercise sweat out some of the toxins. If you have access to a sauna spend sometime in it. Also the healthier you eat the less toxins you ingest. In today's world we also get many toxins from the air we breath. Try decreasing your carbon foot print. Maybe walk or bike somewhere instead of driving you car.

7. Coping with stress
I know many are completing the Stressed Less Living study with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study with Melissa Taylor. There has been lots of ways to decrease stress as we've been reading this book. Here are just a few:
1. Pray to God
2. Meditate on God's word
3. Learn to say no
4. Manage your time better
5. Adjust your attitude
6. Adjust your standards
7. Exercise
8. Eat a healthy diet
9. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
10. Get enough sleep
Choose a stress reducing technique and try it today.

In the comment section let me know if you are up to taking this seven day challenge with me. Then check back next week to let us know how you did. I'm praying for each one of you.

Dear God,
Thank you for each of these ladies in this group. Thank you for those who are willing to take this seven day challenge with me. I want my temple to be as you created it. I want my temple to be used for your will. I want to be then best I can be for you. I want to be q light in this world Father. Please help me to do that. Please help each lady to find more time with you. Please help them to crave you more than their addictive agent, whether that is food, soda, chocolate, or any thing else. Thank you for brining us all to this group. In Jesus name. Amen.

Until next week -- Kara


  1. Awesome post as always!! I am going to do a fitness assessment today at the track with the kids after work and will also be checking out the supplements with Doctor Oz. I did DVR GMA this morning - Jorge Cruz was on there talking about sugar calories! Have a great day, Kara!!

  2. Perfect timing! I just wrote up my June goals to get myself back on the workout wagon and many of these fit those goals. I'm not up to Chapter 7 yet, so thanks for sharing!!

  3. I loved this!!!!! I agree perfect timing - I have the OBS Christian Cruise coming up with many of our OBS ladies in October - gotta get this straight before them!!!! and then keep it straight - healthy habits, lifestyle changes!!!!! Goals! Let's do this ladies!

  4. Thanks ladies for your comments.I'm trying to get healthier for my kids. I want them to have healthy habits for life. Hope you all have a great seven day challenge.
