Friday, May 10, 2013

Chapter 4 - Breaking Bad Habits - Get Out of That Rut

I have to say, this was probably not a good day for me to take the blog!  I have a lack of tolerance for people saying they are in a 'Rut'.  The worst part of that is that I have been in rut after rut myself over the years.  This blog is long - it is full of Joyce's words, my words, and a little bit from several resources today.  But I don't think you can go wrong reading it!

  So - what is a rut?  Here's what Wikipedia says:

A rut is a depression or groove worn into a road or path by the travel of wheels or skis  (yep, sounds about right, huh?)   Or another way to put it is:  stuck in a rut can be used figuratively to refer to a situation in which, as time progresses, the situation is unable to be changed or steered in a desired way.  (and why not?  I can do all things through Christ who Gives me Strength  Philippians 4:13)

In our reading for today Joyce said years ago when the western United States was being settled, roads were often just wagon tracks.  Those trails were rough and were not easy for those who journeyed on them - in fact, there was a sign posted (Joyce tells us) that said  "Avoid this rut or you'll be in it for the next 25 miles" - - - - - WOW.  Can you relate to this?  Stuck for how long you say???  How many of you can relate?  Whether it's weight loss, cigarettes, desire to remove clutter or all of these - regardless, if you re in a 'rut' - time to fight to get out of it! RIGHT!?  Right!

Joyce goes on to say, if we don't pay the price for freedom (from the rut), we will end up paying the price for (staying in) bondage.   Not very good thoughts and a bit deep for how I wanted to end this chapter. But wow - hits the nail right on the head.

Listen to this video and then I'll continue:


SO NOW, how do you feel?    WOW, that just makes me want to get up and go!  I feel motivated after listening, I feel excited, I just wanna move!  If you tell me you don't get that same result after listening, then well - I guess I'll have to refer you to 1-800-GOD-4YOU ~ because I don't know what else I could possibly say or do that would give this kind of boost!

This video was 3.49 minutes and is something we could do quite easily!   and get a nice little work out in!  It's a start!  Motivating steps!  There really isn't any excuse ladies!  Get up in the morning, play this song and get moving! 

Ruts are for the weak and this group of Jesus girls is NOT week.  We have the love of the Father in our back pocket and it is there whether we like it or not - how many days do we upset him or break his heart by not doing the work to get out of the 'rut' and move forward?  .... regardless of the habit?

Think about this:  There are long term affects to bad habits.  Have you seriously considered the long term affects your bad habits can cause?  Me, absolutely - besides the fact that I am not happy in my body as it is today - I am taking blood pressure meds (never had to before) - I have trouble breathing when I climb stairs (do yo know how embarrassing that is when you are walking an office building with a client?)  Not to mention, just today my daughter said to me that she has not had a picture with me in about 5 years - she literally had to go digging for a picture of us to post for Mother's Day - WOW,  that really did it for me!  I hate pictures.  I had to pose with the ladies from Proverbs 31 Monday - but I didn't want to.  I have no desire to take a picture.  Then I remembered that I have no pictures of my mother from around the time she died - and definitely none of us together.  I wonder why?  She too had a weight issue - I wonder if that had anything to do with it?  I have been reaching out to relatives for recent one has come through with any.   Do I want to avoid something as simple as a picture for the rest of my life because I don't want to look at myself?     I'm sure there's another sermon to cover that.......

So what can we do???  Joyce has a list and I'll share some of those - but first would like to share a few quotes.  I love quotes!

It's not what we feel like, Its about what God says.  JM

We need a backbone, not a wishbone.  JM   (LADIES, quit wishing and do the work - Use that backbone!)   

You can suffer the pain of change, or suffer remaining the way you are.  JM

The purpose exceeds the pain.  

Some things don't need to be cut back, they need to be cut off .   OUCH!  Ya with me ladies! Ya feel me?

Every time you feed the flesh you strengthen it.  This is good if ou are trying to build a good habit, but detrimental if you are trying to stop a bad habit.  The only way to kill the flesh is to starve it.  Stop feeding it.  JM

and last but not least.....  The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Lao-TZU

But here's what I say -  JUST DO IT! (Nike says it best)

Here are a few of Joyce's 'official' suggestions:

1)  Make a commitment and be willing to suffer for 'a season' if necessary.

2)  Think positive, faith-filled thoughts about your journey.

3)  BELIEVE!  even when you have not yet seen results

4)  Reflect on what behaviors your bad habits are connected to and change the pattern.

5)  Focus on ONE thing you want to change right now!  

6)  Examine what the dangers of continuing your bad habit will bring.

Remember,  The turmoil of our past or the circumstances of our future do not have to not set the bar for how we live our lives today. (KBM)

Dear God,  Today is the day.  Today is the day we must commit to change. Father, may we reach out to you for the strength to make positive changes in our lives. We know you are our rock.  We know without you we can do nothing - but with you we can do anything. We have the tools, our bible is our instruction manual, filled with promises and love.  Father, I am not sure why this isn't enough because in our hearts we KNOW it is.  We love you Father - We need you and are begging for your mercy and grace in our lives, in our areas of struggle so that we can do what you call us to do in our lives.  We ask these things in your precious and Holy Name, Amen.

Assignment for Today

What are you willing to commit to today?   or are you willing to stay in the same old place, in the same old rut?

In God's Light, 
<3   Kelley


  1. Wow! Amazing Kelley! That is definitely a step on my toes post. I do not like taking pictures either. I do not like the way I look and my kids want pics with me!! My 2nd child is graduating from high school on June 15 and I am not where I want to be...meaning, I will have to take pics with her but dont want to...
    Hugs & Love!!!
    Ladies we NEED to get out of the rut! Moment by Moment we NEED to make the choice.

  2. Thank you God for reaching deep into the pits of our hearts and allowing us to share the pain, pain shared is pain lessoned. Kelly, You did not break a "rule" this is not long, this is "real" and I am so thankful your a part of my life. God is working in the darkness in all our lives, being aware is the key to change, being alert to the holy spirit is the push to do things differently. Yes the truth is just what you shared, we need to starve the flesh, I smoke, yep , yep, and I am just as embarresed as you are walking the stairs, and breathing, when I smell like a filthy smoke stack. I am better then that, God created me and you and us to be in his image, and few are. I want to extend a sincere not superficial, not luke warm, but a sincere, thank you for exposing your struggles, not just today, but since I have known you. You are a beautiful women, in Jesus and your heart is changing, No longer tolerant of what you know Jesus will not settle for. The road is narrow, and its hard, The book the Principal Path, talks about Roads, and travling down a dirt road, as well, when just the other way is a smooth, paved, road, offering a travel filled with pleasure, we struggle, because of the Garden, and yes we count the cost, but until we are sick and tired of being sick and tired, we stay stuck, and we think and justify, I know this because I have stopped the worse habit of my lifetime, and its been a rewarding process to let go of the Devil's Candy in my life. I have changed so much in the past year, and I have smoking and weight to conquer. We are conquers in the name of Jesus, and we are going to stomp the enemy , anything that does not bring Glory to god, is the enemy no gray area, its either GOD or Satan, and yes we are all good and bad, and striving for GOOD is GOD and repeating sin is satan. He comes to steal and kill and destroy and smoking kills, overweight kills, he does not operate with out a motive, counting the cost of the things we do, is a great way to begin doing better things, its the being uncomfertable that is hard, the different, the foregin land that we experience when we break up with our best friends, food, nicotine, drugs, sex, etc, anger, their are 7 deadly sins, that cover it all, and food, nicotine etc, fall in the Greed, sin, anyway, just thank thank thank you, thank you Jesus, for letting kelley share her heart, she is on fire for you God, please wrap her in your will and carry her when she is feeling heavy and burdened. I love you sister, your the Child that God died for, you are his Daughter and he knows every thought , every plan and every victory, and mistake, you will ever make or have made, Its wonderful that your awake and alert, Keep working for the Lord , greater things are yet to come. In the process of all the dark, praise God, because he is the light and your on the road, Mrs Kelley, Your on the Road...

  3. OUCH but man I needed to hear it today!! Thank you for your honesty & sincerity. Just saw a fb post from Joyce - We do not need confidence in ourselves - we need confidence in Jesus!! Ladies this is possible so why are we doubting God and staying in this rut and digging deeper ruts along with way?? Love ya'll and praying for ya'll.
