Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chapter 3 - The God Habit - Get the God Habit


What a great week to read– The God Habit. Leanne began by telling us the importance of the God Habit. Melanie followed up with the importance of making a daily habit of spending time with God. Today I want to talk about how to Get the God Habit - making God a priority. 

Joyce tells us, “If God is first, then we will be winners in life, but if He isn't  there is no reason to expect anything to work out right.” Put God first. Stop for a moment and just let that sink in. God before Facebook. God before blogs. God before TV. God before Emails. God before FOOD. God before problems.

I know life gets going and some days it takes all you have to just hang in and hang on. Life has a way of throwing the good, bad and sometimes downright ugly at us. Its so easy to run to our friends, or significant other to tell the good, or complain about the bad. How about seeking God first?

How many times did you seek God, praise God before telling someone else?
How many times did you simply to run to Abba and thank Him?
How many times did you try to figure it out yourself without God’s help?

1 Peter 5:7 tells us “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
Psalm 55:22 tells us “Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

It is time to up the ante and get into a serious God habit. When you've had a blessing run to Abba thanking Him BEFORE you tell anyone else. When problems hit, troubles at home, no money, run to Abba telling him about your problems, invite him in, and hand your burdens over. When you feel hungry, craving something, run to Abba as fast as you can.  
Just like every other good and bad habit this one takes time, but it is so rewarding, refreshing, refilling and comforting.

Assignment this week:
Time to put God first, going to him first. Thankful for something? Go to God first, then family & friends. Going through problems? Go to God first, then family & friends.

We come to you, thanking you for all you have provided us. We are thankful that you are continuously with us through the rainbows and providing strength during the rain. Abba, I pray that you open our hearts to hear you and see you. I pray that you instill in us a desire to come to you first in all the good, the bad and the ugly life brings us. Thank you for constantly being the loving giving and supportive father to all of us. Amen


  1. I must really need to hear this message this week. Thanks for a great blog post!

  2. Me too - I could stand here and make excuses - but there aren't any. God 1st! I've been blaming my lack of God time on being up too late due to ball games, or other work related things - when the truth is, my clock used to go off at 5:00 and I was up doing my God time and exercise before going to work - now I work from home and have gotten slack - this habit has to be fixed! and pronto! I feel so organized and out of sorts - and this is why! There isn't an excuse big enough to trump God time. Thank you for an awesome post!

  3. Me too - I could stand here and make excuses - but there aren't any. God 1st! I've been blaming my lack of God time on being up too late due to ball games, or other work related things - when the truth is, my clock used to go off at 5:00 and I was up doing my God time and exercise before going to work - now I work from home and have gotten slack - this habit has to be fixed! and pronto! I feel so organized and out of sorts - and this is why! There isn't an excuse big enough to trump God time. Thank you for an awesome post!
