Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chapter 7; Behavior 4: Healthy Habits - Your Body Is God's House

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I love how God works.   In chapter 1 Joyce says "Habits are things we learn to do through repetition and eventually do either unconsciously or with very little effort.  First we form habits then they for ms.  We are what we repeatedly do."   During the past few weeks, this scripture and reminders of how I should honor God with my body have been repeatedly brought to my attention through this study, other studies I am doing, posts on facebook and now my pastor has started a new sermon series on God & your Body.   God is good.  He is also very patient for which I am very grateful.

One thing my pastor brought up in his sermon was that you cannot have a right relationship with God and a bad relationship with those around you.   Joyce tells us on page 70 of 192, "If you need to develop healthy habits, put them at the top of your list of habits to develop, possibly right after developing the habit of spending time with God."  Why?? "Because your health affects you and all the people you are in a relationship with in a variety of ways."  God has a plan for us and a special assignment for each of us that only we can fulfill.  You will never find your purpose apart from God.  God created you for a purpose and we must live long enough to do whatever it is He has called us to do.

Pastor Steve reminded us that EVERYTHING on earth was created by God, for God and to honor God.  He asked us to focus on the following question:

"How would your life be different if everything you do was based on the fact you were created by God, for God and to honor God?"

When you buy a car, you know you have to put gas in it for it to go.  You also know that you have to perform maintenance on it for it to continue to go - oil changes, new tires, filter changes, a new battery, etc.   When a warning light comes on, you stop and try to figure out what that light means & what your car needs.   Our bodies are the same way - we need fuel, we need continued maintenance and we have to listen to the warnings.    Have you started making small changes in developing healthy habits?  What are you doing?     I was created by God (so I must be important to Him), I was created for God (so I need to be able to do the things He calls me to do) and I was created to Honor God (so the things I do, say, eat, drink, etc or in other words, everything I am needs to bring honor to Him)!!

Ladies, I believe we are on the right track.  By doing this study, coming up with small changes that will lead to big results, holding each other accountable, etc, we will develop the healthy habits - mind, body & spirit that will allow us to do the work God has called us for as well as honor Him with a healthy temple.   I thank God for bringing us together and for women like Joyce who write these words to encourage & teach us.  I am honored to be able to study the bible with each of you as we learn to use it as our daily instruction manual.  

Father God, thank you for loving us so.  I thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and to rise 3 days later so that we may have eternal life with you.   Father, I pray for each lady here. Help us to remember that everything was created by You, for You and to honor You.  Help us to make choices that will get & keep our temple healthy.  You have called us each for an important task and I pray that we are focused on being fit for the challenge.   I love you and it's in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Ladies, please share below what you have learned while reading this book, small steps you are making to honor God with your temple or maybe just a healthy recipe, meal or snack you have discovered on this journey.

Until next week!

Love ya'll,


  1. I need to actually put into action ..what I have learned or it will profit me nothing..Thanks~Leaane

    1. Typing fast I actually spelled my own name wrong lol

    2. That is the hardest part = I am typically an all or nothing type girl which can be very detrimental. That is why I think we have to start small. One thing at a time and add to it as Joyce recommends. Didn't I read that you have cut soft drinks to only once a week instead of daily?!? I think maybe that is the key for all of us - we need to learn to celebrate our victories no matter how small. When I start really thinking about changes I have made, I realize the small victories I have made. But i have to stop and focus on the changes I have made. Our society has become so expectant of instant results - instant gratification. When I don't see instant results, I start focusing on the negative. We know that is wrong - we need to focus on the positive and we must realize this is a slow process and it has to be for long time results. I think about the Isrealites wandering the desert for 40 years. Talk about a slow process. :) What do you think about this challenge: Pick one small change you want to make in developing a healthy body such as drinking so many ounces of water, doing 10 jumping jacks (or exercise of your choice) upon getting up in the morning, etc and write it on your calendar for 21 days. Cross off everytime you do it. Everyone will post their change and then we will report back & have a 21 day victory party. We can give everyone a few days to think about it so that we can start on June 1. We can celebrate our victory on 6/22/13!

  2. The small step I've taken is to get moving every day. It doesn't have yo be something grand, but take the stairs caring all three children when I'd normally take the elevator, do a workout when all I want to do is nap, play chase instead of sitting and playing a board game or coloring. It has made a big difference in my energy level, but by the end of the day I'm exhausted and fall into bed and sleep soundly.

  3. Here is a great yummy recipe:
    My kids loved this.

    1. Thanks for the recipe. I love anything in the slow cooker.

  4. day six of being back in the gym really working out! th and fri going at 6 in the AM the other days I go after work.

  5. I have learned that taking small steps and just readjusting the view can help a lot.
