Sunday, July 7, 2013

Praise and Prayer requests

Happy LORD'S Day Sisters!!!  Today's our praises and prayer request day!!  This week has been one of many struggles in my house.  In fact, truly the rug was pulled out from underneath me this week.   It has been a week of much brokenness, yet in the brokenness a beginning of healing.   In the midst of all the "mess and muck", GOD continues to show how incredibly much HE loves me.  If HE didn't love me as much as HE does, HE would have left me, left my marriage where it was. 

I am confessing to each of you that I haven't touched my Making Good Habits book this week in the light of everything else that's gone on.  I HAVE been digging into GOD'S word, into HIS promises, into listening VERY carefully what HE would have me do.  I truly believe that no matter what is going on in our lives, whether it be the battles we have with food or the battles we are fighting for our homes and our marriages, the bottom line is our listening to GOD and being obedient to HIM!!!

Please share your prayer requests so we can pray with and for you, but also share the GREAT things GOD is doing in your lives!!!  We have a HEAVENLY FATHER that loves us beyond our wildest imaginations and HE truly wants the absolute best for us!!!


  1. Hey Ladies, I really need your prayers right now...I can't quit crying and it's for a really silly (at least it seems like it to me) reason...I really need friends here in Tulsa right now and I don't have any that I can talk to...I have been praying ever since I found out but it would really be nice to be able to get a hug from someone and to know that someone else cares...I'll try to make this short...

    I found out Friday that my sister is in the hospital in Shreveport in severe pain (which I have already shared) and I am really really concerned about her...I know there is nothing I can do from here but pray (which I have done, am doing, and will continue to do)...But, I also found out that one of the puppies I spent the weekend helping take care of (he's only 2 weeks old) is not doing very well...He hasn't eaten very much and he's a lot smaller than the other two...My aunt is very concerned about him and will be taking him to the vet in the morning...He was my favorite all weekend and the main one I kept holding and loving on and spoiling rotten...I'm sure to some it seems pretty silly to get upset about a little puppy but I can't help but think why him, what did he do wrong, he's just a baby, etc...If you don't mind praying for a puppy, please keep him in your prayers...Please keep me in your prayers also...All I can do right now is cry and I'm basically making myself sick from crying so much...I really didn't mean to make this so long, so please forgive me for the long comment...

  2. Prayers for my families financial situation
    My husband was displaced from his job about a month ago. Due to him having to many points on his lic. He cannot return to trucking. He needs to find something else. We are doen to our last couple hundred dollars. Bills are pilling up. We meed a break through
    Of course my worst fear is loosing my home and belongings.
    How do explain all this to a 5 year old!?
    My husband did nit complete high school when he was younger and now is prooving to be a barrier with most comoanies now requiring the minimum be a diploma!
    I know God i s always ontime. We are running out of time!

    Please no you need to get on assistance comments. My husband does not believe relying on the Government is having faith that God will provide. Standing on the promises!
