Friday, July 19, 2013

Chapter 14 Emotional Habits Recap

   Self Pity

self pity - a self indulgent dwelling on one's own sorrows or misfortunes

Bet you never thought of it like that, did you?  I sure didn't!  I use to throw huge pity parties for myself. Not a pretty sight.

How do we stop the pity parties?  First, we need to learn to recognize the problem BEFORE the party gets into full swing.  Secondly we need averse to hold on to, to cling to when the party starts.  Then give it to God/  Let go of the issues, forgive and let it go.  Finally, develop a grateful heart.  Count your blessings.  Thank Him for even the smallest things.  Breathe deeply and look to God.

Control Your Temper

Temper is a symptom - self is the disease

I love that quote.  It hits right at the heart of the matter - self.  We have the choice to control our temper, the decision is ours to make.  Anger is more harmful to us than to those we are angry with.  We know anger isn't good.  It can eat away at our insides and erode our peace.  Yet sometimes we don't want to face the fact that we lose our tempers.  But we can, and should, admit our flaws to God.  Even the emotions we wish we didn't have.  When we spend time with God we can bring our emotions into His light and He will help us deal with them.  Then we can live in peace.

Righteous or Unrighteous Anger

Righteous anger - anger directed toward evil

Unrighteous anger - anger directed towards the inconveniences of life

Unrighteous anger is dangerous.  It happens when we don't get our way, because we can't get or do what we want.  It causes our mouth to work faster than our minds.  It is hurtful to others and ourselves.

When we deal with our unrighteous anger we feel better about ourselves and our circumstances.  We can focus on our goals.  Look for the underlying cause of the anger.  Then address the issue instead of giving into the symptoms.  It doesn't mean we won't ever get angry again but we will be better able to cope with our unrighteous anger.  


Anger robs us.  Self pity enslaves us.  Yet the choice is ours.  We can choose to act in the manner Jesus would or we can react in an emotional manner, allowing our emotions to control us.  God wants us to use wisdom to make decisions instead of letting our emotion guide us.  We cannot walk in the spirit and be led by emotions.  We will always have emotions but we cannot rely on them.  however, we can mange them instead of repeatedly riding the emotional roller coaster.  When we learn to live beyond our  feelings victory is possible.  Live by His Word instead of how you feel.

Father we thank you for free will.  WE thank you that we can choose not to let our emotions control us. instead choosing to live by the wisdom of your Word.  We admit this is not always an easy choice and we need your help, sometimes minute by minute, to make the right choice.  Continue to guide us as we choose to exchange bad habits for good ones.  Increase our strength as we deal with our emotional habits.  Help us as we grow into the women you created us to be  In Jesus name we pray, amen.  So be it!

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