Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week 2 - Chapter 2 - Get Started Now!

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.     1 Corinthians 10:13

Joyce tell us at the end of chapter 2 to choose a habit you want to form and begin putting those principles into practice.  Some say it takes 21 days to form a habit ~ but Joyce tells us to be patient.  Just remember, 'When we decide in favor of God's ways, He always joins forces with us for assured Victory' (JM)   There is no reason we cannot have victory over our habits, our struggles  - if we are not victorious, we are not doing something right or just don't care to put in the required effort and strength.  My issue is the latter - I just don't give this battle what it requires.  The buck stops here. It's 21 days - I'm ready to commit to giving 21 days toward forming a habit.  Are you?  From April 22 - May 5 is a 21 day span.  Let's do it.  My commitment has to be towards exercise and and food.

I commit to exercising 5 days a week.  It will consist of Muay Thai, my treadmill, daily push-ups, and sit ups.  I would like to ask that you help me be accountable for this.  Call me on the carpet as needed.  I also commit to eating healthy - no french fries or junk.  HEALTHY.    Now, what is your commitment going to be?

SO, I  have an assignment for you to do today, which is not what I planned for Sunday; however I am feeling the pull to get us deeply into The Word for this study.  Please read the following article - you will notice a lot of scripture being quoted/shared.  I am going to ask that you pick a section from the write up and pull out the scripture/verse that lights your heart on fire.    If you'd like to spend some time going through all of those quoted - please do! Pull out your highlighter and  highlight the verses, put them on index cards - whatever it takes to get you digging into The Word Jesus left for us.  Check out the following link!

Here are our reading assignments for the week and who will be blogging for us each day!

Week 2 - Sunday - Review assignments and begin reading Chapter 2         (Kelley)
Week 2 - Section 1 - Monday:  Get Started Now and Reflection Verse       (Leanne)
Week 2 - Section 2 - Tuesday:   Defeat Procrastination                               (Melanie)
Week 2 - Section 3 - Wednesday:  Faith Lives in the Present                      (Sherry)
Week 2 - Section 4 - Thursday:  Get Excited About Conquering Projects   (Kara)
Week 2 - Section 5 -  Friday:  Weekly Recap                                               (Cynda)
Week 2 - Praise and Prayer Day                                                             (Stacey and Kendra, or either)

Please continue to lift these awesome ladies up! They are doing a GREAT job!

We are all going to make a commitment, starting Monday - Please tell us yours is.  If you need an accountability partner, let me know!  We can get that arranged as well! 

Let's have a GREAT, GREAT week!

Love you bunches <3


  1. Well today I had a good arm work out on my porch(first time using the stuff out there) my arms still are a little jellowy(I know not a word). I am going in to work early M W F to work out before work. I will be doing some cardio(kelley I dug the jump rope out) . I will get my water in daily(64oz).
    I will be praying for all of us to commit and follow through with it!

    1. You have got this! I think about the many workouts we have had in the past - the shape we were getting in - and we have let this all go, for what? Only to do it again. It has to be ingrained in our head that this is a lifestyle change - not something we can do when we feel like it! Not sure how your Saturday mornings look, but I'd love to get back to doing some walks before my Saturday training sessions!!!!!

    2. I have my gallon jug of water - 128 oz of water will be drank each day!! Also, I commit to working out 6 days a week with Sunday's off. I already do an hour long boot camp M, W & S. Yesterday my daughter & I rode bicycles and went 3 miles!! WOO HOO. (She also joins me on Saturday morning's for boot camp.) I will do a workout video on T, TH & F or ride bicycles with my daughter followed by some pushups & sit-ups. I like the idea of an accountability partner. Confession Alert - I post our daily challenges but I don't do them. At bootcamp, we do the majority if not all of the daily challenge but the rest of the week, I don't do much - not good and needs to change. (You already know this or I would have done broke that darn plateau!) :) Love you Kelley, Awesome post!!

      P.S. Thanks for the card I got in the mail Saturday!!
