Thursday, April 18, 2013

Be Active - Chapter 1, Day 4

Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.  Ezra 10:4 (NIV)

We know a habit is developed by frequent repetition so in order to form a good habit, we must first do it and then we have to keep doing it.   As Nike’s famous slogan tells us Just Do It!!  We have to fight through the pain, through the awkwardness and keep on keeping on until it feels normal.  (My boot camp instructor will tell ya, when exercise feels normal & comfortable, change it up!)

I can make a plan.  I can schedule it on my calendar.   I can dream.  But until I do, until I become active, nothing changes.   As Joyce tells us “Activity is like flipping on a light switch. The power is there all the time, but it is not ignited until you flip the switch. We always have the ability to be active, but no energy flows until we actually get moving.”

You are more powerful than you realize.  In 2 Timothy 1:7, God’s word tells us that He did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline.   Take that power today and get moving.

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
Theodore Roosevelt

How can you be active today in creating a healthy habit?   Just do it!!    (And leave us a comment below on how you are being active today!)

Prayer:  Father, helps us to put aside any fears, any excuses that hold us back.   I pray for each woman doing this study.  As fears and doubts start invading our minds, I pray we will turn to You and draw the power of the Holy Spirit to turn those doubts off & just do.  To be active, day by day, little by little to develop new healthy habits and break those bad habits that are keeping us from being the woman you created.   It’s in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen. 

                                                               Many Blessings,                                                  Melanie


  1. This is so true Melanie. If you would have told me on January first that I'd do two sets of fifty biceps curls today I would have told you no way, but yet today I did. Thanks for all your encouragement. I'm so lucky to have all you Jesus girls to support me in this journey. Love you all.

    1. Woo Hoo Kara! Way to go and I didn't even post the challenge this morning! This is an awesome group. So glad you are part of it!

  2. Love this Melanie!!!! Thank you for the awesome reminders! I love that you have added some awesome scripture and refer to some great quotes!!!! can you say INDEX CARDS!!!!

    1. Thanks for posting, just cut the scripture cards downloaded from Joyce Myers sight yesterday, Ezra 10:4 and some others and tapped them to my desk. Today my main focus is just trying to get past feelings and some emotions. This too shall pass....

    2. Glad Joyce has those cards - I need the visual reminders. I like inserting my name in scriptures too which really makes it personal. Praying for ya, Pam. :)

  3. yep there are really no excuses! I am a very visual person and when I see the older man running or walking in the pic puts things out there. I have come to the conclusion I AM MY ONLY EXCUSE of not doing something!

    1. I am not a runner but keep thinking I want to do a 5K to prove I can do it. When I saw this photo, I was like - Wow - No excuses!! I hope to live a long & healthy life and to do that I need a healthy lifestyle which includes clean eating & exercising!

    2. I also would love to do a 5K sometime.

  4. This is so true!! We make excuses! Gotta reprogram the mind :-)
