Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Section 4 -- Get excited about conquering projects

Kara here with the next section of chapter 2. So for those who don't know me I have three beautiful little girls who are three and under. A is  3 and B and C are almost two year old twins. With three little ones time too myself is a rare commodity. Therefore, I need to make the most out of my time. That is why I asked Kelley to blog on this topic.

Lately I've been saying to my kids that we are the can do family. I dislike when A says "I can't" because 9 out of ten times she can. For example she can put her shoes on the correct feet. She also can get dresses by herself. The outfit may not match but hey she is dressed. Every ti,e she says I can't I tell her we are the can do family and we can do everything through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). She now says it to me when I say "mommy is trying to finish dinner right now so I can't get you a drink."

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at one thing but bad at another find someone else to help you with that thing. If you are good at swimming but hate running then find a way to swim. Are you struggling cooking healthy meals everyday? Find a friend who you can either
 1. Shop together and cook all the meals for the week on Saturday or Sunday or
 2. Find a friend willing to do a meal swap with you. You make them two meals for the week and they make you two in return.

We all probably have to do lists a mile long. In a book called "I Used to be so Organized" the author tells about the organization of to do lists. She says first write everything you have to do today. Next try the whole week. Then the big projects for the whole month. Next look at the big to medium projects and try to break them down into smaller pieces. For example, for this blog post I could have said Monday read chapter 2, Tuesday write and outline and do some research and Wednesday write the blog post. This will help you to feel like you accomplished something each day or week on the bigger tasks. Then prioritize the tasks for today, this week and this month. What absolutely must get done today? What can wait till tomorrow or later in the week?

Also, if you are struggling there are great programs out there for smart phones and tablets. One such program is Astrid tasks. It allows you to set tasks and also set how much time you think that task will take you to complete. It can remind you of upcoming due dates. You can also share with a friend that can help keep you accountable or in my case my husband so that we can add to dos to each other's list.

I know we can all start to conquer our projects. I know most would say their biggest detriment to exercising is that they don't have enough time. Make it a priority on your to do list. Schedule it in your day. Don't give up that time for anything. I know we can do this together. Let's hold each other accountable and make our weight loss goals a reality. Also,don't forget to repay about your goals as God is your strength and wants to see you succeed.

Dear Father,
Please make everyone in this group "can do" kids of the one true God. When the words "I can't do one more rep" or "I don't have time to exercise today" or " I can't make a healthy meal because I'm too busy" want to come out of our mouths please replace them with the truth that we can do anything through you that strengthens us. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 


  1. Love it Kara!!! And yes I do have time to exercise but make bad choices.

  2. Beautifully written Kara. We must choose to Prioritize instead of procrastinating! :)

  3. AMEN - gotta find the shortcuts where we can and prioritize the rest.....key word PRIORITIZE! - gotta get out of procrastination mode! Thanks for sharing!!!!
