Sunday, April 14, 2013

Make 1 Break 1 - Week 1 ~ The Anatomy of a Habit

We are so excited to start working on breaking some old BAD habits and starting some good ones!!!!  So many in our Tacking the Temple Facebook group are struggling with staying motivated, staying accountable, and are just plain tired of the insanity!!!  We work out for a week - then not at all, we eat healthy for a day or two, then we binge on ice cream or junk - we lose a few pounds and gain the same few pounds back.  There seems to be no consistency in our habits and we keep running in 'insane' circles.   We all know the definition of Insanity, right!?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- Albert Einstein

One of our ladies recommended we read 'Making Good Habits'  by Joyce Meyer together to see if we could get a grip....make some long term life style changes - starting with the one thing that makes a whole lot of sense......YES, by changing our habits!   Joyce says this book will teach us about 14 new behaviors that will energize your life!    I am not sure about you ladies, but I need all the energizing I can get!

On Sundays you will find your weekly assignment right here!  Next week I promise it won't be so late getting posted!   Then, each day one of our awesome leaders will be posting a blog right here that goes along with our reading assignment for that day.  On Day 1 of each week, Leanne is going to provide a reflection verse that goes along with that week's chapter.  What a GREAT way to learn even more bible verses that we can share, reflect upon, and use in our relationship with Jesus Christ and others!  Are you ready to break some habits!?!!?!  Are you ready to build new GOOD ones?  Let's do this!

Here are your assignments for Week 1, Chapter 1:  The Anatomy of a Habit

Check out the blog for your assignments for the week.  Get prepared!  Bible, Journal, Highlighters

Monday - Read Section 1 of the chapter.  (Each chapter is broken up into sections, we are going to read in sections to make it easier to keep up and not get bogged down and behind)

Tuesday Read Section 2 - Repetition

Wednesday Read Section 3 - Reprogram yourself

Thursday - Read Section 4 - Be Active

Friday -  Review Chapter 1 all sections / Check out this blog post for a Recap!

Saturday - Prayer Day!  Stacey will be taking prayer requests throughout the week and will share those so that we can be in prayer for our ladies and their needs!  Let's use Saturday as our big prayer day!  Set aside some quiet time to pray for each lady in TTT and especially for those requests posted.

Sunday - Look for Week 2 Chapter 2 assignments!!!!!  

As you read the blog post each day, take some time to comment where you are led to comment, pray over each person here, and really dig into the word because that's really what it's all about!


Dear Heavenly Father,  Thank you for the awesome ladies involved with Tacking The Temple - for their love and compassion and their desire to be accountable and helpful to each other.  Father, I pray that as we read and study your Word, our hearts may be soft and grow with a huge desire to break every bad habit, replacing it with new and better ones!  Bless this group, the leaders, and the participants.  May everything we do bring honor and glory to you.  Amen.


1 comment:

  1. I loved this first part of the book. Two of my good things to think about will be
    1. I can paint my nails when I quit voting them.
    2. I can fit into my clothes when I lose weight.
    I'm excited to start this journey with you all. Hope you have a great day.
