Monday, April 29, 2013

Chapter 3, Behavior 1, The God Habit, Section 1&2

Behavior 1: The God Habit

I asked our Facebook Group yesterday what was everyone’s number 1 best habit. I received a variety of responses, meditation before the workday begins, drinking water, etc. I asked that question because in this section of chapter 3, Joyce is going to encourage us to develop, The God Habit! Joyce considers this the number one best habit we should have.

What is the God Habit?

Intentionally seeking and spending time with God every day! I myself need to work on this life application. Oh, I know that word. I studied it for years; I do not know every scripture by heart. However, I understand the basics of Christianity. Is that enough though; is it enough that I know what is right? The word says to those who know what is right and doeth not to him it is sin! I think I am in trouble! I think I have become too comfortable with my salvation that I am taking some aspects for granted.

Joyce has to say this about the God Habit:

“The God habit is the first one that I want to address, because without the habit of spending time with God in prayer and studying His Word, we will be unable to develop any other good habits, and bad habits will overtake us and rule our lives. Seeking and spending time with Him is our most vital need.”

Focus Scripture:

Acknowledge, God in all your ways and then He will direct your steps.
(Proverbs 3: 6).

Getting The God Habit

Our Challenge this week is to begin seeking God’s face every day for every area of our lives, not just getting the bills paid, or making it through the workweek but in every area! I know I so need do this! I need to be desperate about it! What about you? Are you complacent in your Christianity? Do you come before God everyday saying today I am seeking your face and following your direction! OH, I can say with all honesty and sincerity, I must work on this area! Excessively I am interested in what I what, when I want and how I want it; Including my diet and exercise! Or (lack thereof.) Man I sound like a Brat! I should want to go to the one with all the answers, but I just might be afraid of what he as to say! Okay, I know that sounds like fear. I know the scripture about Fear too! Honestly, though can you say that without a doubt that you seek God’s will out for your life everyday and then walk it out?

Joyce goes on to say:

“I don’t want to give you a program to follow; I only want to encourage you to form a habit of putting God first in everything you do.

If you will seek first His Kingdom, He will add all of the other things that you need (Matthew 6: 33).

We are free to seek God’s guidance whenever we choose, however Joyce encourages us through these scriptures to seek his presents at the beginning of our day.

In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart]. Psalm 5: 3”
Mary Magdalene was the first one to see Jesus after His resurrection, but she also was the one who came to the tomb early (John 20: 1). The other disciples stayed in bed, but Mary arose early and went to look for her Lord. I need and receive a lot of help from God, and receiving the following Scripture as direction for my life has helped me in amazing ways. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God will help her right early [at the dawn of the morning]. Psalm 46: 5”

 I made an extra effort this morning to spend some alone time with God. I am glad I did! He whispered something very sweet to me this morning. I am going to hold onto that promise!

Remember Ladies it is not the amount of time you spend. It is important that you Do IT. Although as you begin to cultivate The God Habit, you will have to force yourself to move on to other tasks. I have experienced that before!

Let us start building the best and the number 1 habit of seeking God’s direction for our daily lives!


Lord, I pray for all the Ladies Lord, Help us all too fully realize that we need you directing our paths in every area! Help us (All), to fully surrender to you with everything we have so that we can be successful in all the areas of our life!


Until Next Monday!


  1. Yep need a God habit for sure. Thanks Leanne

  2. Thanks for your feedback ladies, this was rather tough me to write
    ~~ Leanne

  3. Awesome job Leanne! I so need the God habit for sure. Always trying to do things on my own - you'd think I'd have learned by now that I only can with God! So thankful He is the God of many changes. Learning to fully surrender - one small step at a time!

    1. That should be "chances" but yes, many changes I need too! :)
