Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chapter 2 Section 2 - Defeating Procrastination

Hi, my name is Melanie and I am a procrastinator.  It is also why I choose to blog about this particular section.   Joyce described me when she told Ellen’s story.  So it got me to thinking about why I put things off.

  • I am tired…mentally & physically exhausted.
  • I am lazy…I could do that but curling up on the couch to watch a Hallmark movie sounds much more fun.
  • It is a dreaded task.
  • I have so much on my “to do” list that I find myself overwhelmed & easily distracted.
  • I have set up unrealistic expectations that I know I cannot meet.
  • Fear of the “What If’s” …what if I fail, what if the response is not what I expect, what if it hurts, etc. 

Regardless of the reason, Satan is doing a happy dance every time I put off doing what needs to be done.  How many times does that task go undone or only gets done when it becomes a crisis?  God’s word tells us:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

When I put things off instead of just doing them, I am not honoring the Lord with my work.  Everything we do from the smallest task to the biggest task should be done with all our heart & mind.   We are working for the Lord.  

Our message at church on Sunday was about the calling of Matthew in Matthew 9:9-13.  Jesus told Matthew “Follow me” and Matthew got up and followed him.   No thinking about it, no procrastinating, he just did it.  Jesus wants us to follow him.  He wants a relationship with us.  He wants us to spread the Good News.     We are to trust God with the things he has told us to do and we are to do them.   If I offer excuses as to why I can’t do something or procrastinate at doing a task, I am not following Christ.  I am following my own desires.  I am not growing my relationship with Jesus.  I am allowing procrastination to steal the blessing & joy God intends for me. 

God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children.  With this blessing, I was given the responsibility to be a good wife & mother.   Take a moment to read about the Proverbs 31 woman in Proverbs 31:10-31.  WOW!!   She has no time to make excuses.   She is a “now” person and is aggressive at performing the tasks at hand.   Her husband has full confidence in her, she brings him good, she gets up while it is still night, she sets about her work vigorously, she watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness”…….21 verses to describe this wife of noble character.   There is much to be done and much that she does one item at a time to bring order to her home.

So how does this apply to developing a healthy lifestyle with our food & exercise?  We honor the Lord when we honor the temple he has given us.  Our body is a holy temple.  With the food choices we make, the exercise we perform, and by taking care of our physical, spiritual & mental well-being, we are honoring God with our body.  

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
As wives & mothers, we can make sure our families are healthy with the foods we prepare.  Let your children see you exercising and include them in.   Start healthy habits for your children at an early age. When our families see us exercising or making healthy food choices, they understand that our health & their health are important to us and to God.  

What is your family’s favorite meal?  What small change can you make to make this recipe healthier?  Maybe you can use whole wheat pasta, low fat milk or cheese, or add an extra serving of veggies.
What activities do you enjoy doing with your family that get you (and them) moving?   Go on a “nature” walk around your neighborhood, play Frisbee in the park or have a hula hoop contest.  Be creative, have fun & exercise without even realizing it.  J

Don’t procrastinate any longer.   As Joyce tells us we can form the habit of being a “now” person, one who does what needs to be done as soon as we can.   Start making one small good habit today.  Share with us the habit you are working on developing and the steps you are taking.
Please pray with me.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the many blessings you have given us.  Help us to recognize them and not take them for granted.   Let all our daily tasks be done with a full heart as we remember we are working for you.   Lord, we ask for your help in developing good habits.  Show us those areas in our lives where we may not be making healthy choices and give us instruction on how to change them.  My prayer, Lord, is that we will not put off these choices any longer but that we will trust & follow You.  It’s in Jesus mighty name, I pray.  Amen.
It is easy to say "just do it" but I know it is not always easy to do.  However those times where I just did it (instead of making excuses or putting it off for another time), I was blessed.  Those days where I really wanted to skip boot camp but didn't are the days I feel so good when I am done.   Just do it and share with us what you did today!!  J

Love you ladies!  You are an amazing group of Jesus girls!  Believe it, live it, share it!!



  1. WOW, step on toes will ya!!!!! This is awesome, I so love the concept of being a "NOW" woman - you're right, we don't have time to be anything else......Hallmark movies - ha, did you read my comments this morning - I laid my happy tail on the couch Sunday and watched Hallmark movies all day - I did get up and cook, but that's all I did! I needed to veg (or so I told myself!) I really needed to get up and MOVE - it was beautiful outside, I had no desire! Thanks for this kick - this gentle kick! So needed it! Kelley

  2. I love Hallmark movies. A day full of Hallmark movies is good for the soul as long as it doesn't happen too often! (that is my story and I am sticking to it!) :) Plus I am pretty certain the Proverbs 31 wife observed the sabbath. Hope have a great day!!

  3. This is awesome Melanie!! Procrastination is so hard to overcome but can be done!

  4. So what I needed to hear today! Thank you so much Melanie! I forgot who enlightened me that the P31 woman was over a lifetime...not necessarily everything everyday. That was very liberating for me! lol yep...there's my procrastination tendency again! :)
