Friday, April 26, 2013

The Week in Review 

Get Started Now

You know, I don't think satan wanted me to write this recap. He threw problems, worries and distractions at me all afternoon.  Ladies, the enemy does not want us to get started, defeat procrastination, live by faith daily or be excited about conquering projects. It is time for us to make a decision and put these principles into practice.  Make the commitment.  There is no reason we cannot have the victory.


Walt Disney said "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." So, are you willing to make the sacrifices needed to free yourself from the bondage of bad habits?  Procrastination is a thief, stealing our potential, our time, our self-esteem. How do we overcome procrastination?


It is all about our faith living in today.  Change is difficult but necessary. God knows exactly what we need. It is about trusting God. We need to hand our challenges over to God.  Faith demands action.  Procrastination is not faith.  Don't put off making a change or wait until it is convenient. Great character is not developed through ease and convenience.  It is developed by doing what needs to be done now, no matter how difficult it is.

Conquering Projects

We can do this. We can tackle our habits!  Let's be "can do" kids.  Start by prioritizing your tasks each day.  Remember, when we are women of action, we don't give the devil the opportunity to exaggerate the reality of what we are facing.


This week I heard a pastor speak about the importance of speaking God's truth into our lives, even if our current situation doesn't reflect those truths.  The more we speak His truth aloud, the more we believe those truths, the more real they become and we open ourselves up for positive changes and blessings.  God's Word never returns void.  I have included a few examples.  When you are tired, angry, stressed or feel defeated, speak these truths.  They are God's promises to you.  Take it one habit at a time, one day at a time, one decision at a time

Phil 4:13 - I can do anything with God's help
Daniel 1:8 - I will not defile my body.
Matt 6:32 - God already knows all my needs
2 Tim 1:7 - I can do this.  God has given me a spirit of self-discipline and self control
1 Cor 10:13 - God won't let me be tempted or pushed past my limit.
Psalm 73:4 - My body can be healthy and strong
Ecc 11:10 - God wants me to keep my body healthy.  He will help me
Hosea 7:15 - God gave me a good mind and a healthy body.
Prov 16:10 - I will make divinely directed decisions

Father, today I pray for all of us that are struggling with bad habits, habits that are stealing joy and robbing of self-esteem and confidence.  I pray that we will reach out to you for strength and a renewal of our minds - that we will review the scriptures that are shared here and put them where they can be seen as reminders that with you we can conquer anything - even these habits.  Thank you father for your constant love and promises - especially the promise of eternal life. Today if there is one person that doesn't know you Father, we pray that they will open their heart to you and reach out to you - for with you they will be complete.  We love you Father.  We ask these things in your most precious name, Amen.



  1. Cynda: This is awesome!!! I love how you pull the things that were in other blogs out - the things that hit you like a brick and share them with us at the end of the week - they are typically things that I maybe didn't get the first time and when I read them here outside of the original blog it's like WOW - so awesome job!

  2. Love speaking God's truth - reminds me of Beth Moore's Praying God's Word. I agree with Kelley, I always find something I missed the first time. Love the weekly update!
